Sunday, March 14, 2010

Death From Above

I finally have had a chance to get some pictures taken of my Sentinel Copters. Without further ado, here they be...

These 3 have been armed with 2 Lascannons and 1 Multi-Laser. If I ever get around to doing another 3, I will even it out and end up with 3 of each weapon type. The idea there is being able to field both anti-armor and anti-infantry.

This last pic shows the differences in they way I approached building these the second time around. The first model is on the right, the final design is on the left. The main difference here is that I decided to keep more of the original engine and rotor structure from the Deff Kopta. This allows for a quicker build time and what I think is a little sleeker look.

I really enjoyed putting these together and I think this may be the first seed of a future airborne army, complete with Valkyrie/Vendetta copters and drop troops...maybe an airborne Heavy Support option...???...hmmm...

Anyways, thanks for checking these out and be sure to leave me any comments/reactions/ideas you may have.

The war goes on,


Mordian7th said...

Simply awesome - I really, really dig these conversions. Top notch work from idea to execution. I look forward to seeing them painted as well - keep up the great work!

the other Kevin said...

Of all the pre-Ork IG tech ideas I've seen, I like this one the best. Very creative thought, and re-engineering here. Nicely done.

Shame you couldn't have magnetized the weapons here, as that would give you some versatility until you get the other three done.

Col. Hessler said...

Thanks for the kind words. I am thinking I will go back and magnetize the weapons before painting occurs. It won't be that hard and you're right, it is worth it for the versatility.

Col. Corbane said...

Outstanding mate, the final design works really well. Can't wait to see them painted up.

Admiral Drax said...

Truly impressive: I love these little vehicles and you must be chuffed that you decided to commit to making the squadron: win!

Col. Hessler said...

@Corbane: Cheers mate!

@Drax: Yes, glad to have 3 instead of one. The next 3 will come together much quicker.