Here is some progress I am making on the second of my Tiger Russ MBTs. It still relies heavily on the Tamiya 1/48 Tiger 1 model but I have incorporated more of the Leman Russ turret this time to achieve, what I think, is a better result. Pics to follow...
Above is a pic of the first tank I did, provided to show the difference in the battle cannons.
Below are some more comparison pictures of the Leman Russ and the Tiger Russ. While I can't say the GW design is bad, it definitely doesn't suit my tastes. I guess I just want to be able to have some variety.
That's it for now, C&C is welcomed.
The war goes on,
The war goes on,
Looking great, any plans to try this with a king tiger with a porsche turret? i've always thought that turret loks very 40k.
I toyed around with a king tiger a few posts ago...probably not only because that particular tank is very tall and it seems to clash with how I want my tanks to look.
That's brilliant mate, I really do like what you do with other kits. Any chance of a group photo at some point mate.
@Corbane: Thanks mate. A group shot is definitely in the works. I want to get the 3rd Tiger Russ finished and then get them all at least primed before I present the group shot. Man, I have a lot of work to
Greetings Herr Hessler!
This really is looking good, I made a Stug variant, and it came out okay I think. However these Tigers are one step further I think, and something I would like to try. One question, what commander is it that you are using? Or is it some sort of conversion, and if so, what figures did you use?
@Galland: The commander uses bits that are on the IG Tank Accessories Sprue. Currently that is available only at the GW website.
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