Saturday, October 23, 2010

Space Marines Project Begins

I've made a little progress on my new Space Marines project.  I'm starting with a tactical squad from the AoBR set.  It's all I had on hand and I plan to massacre these models anyways.  The chapter icon is an eagle so the Mentors shoulder pads from GW will work perfectly for my needs. 

Above is what I was able to capture in a picture before my camera lost power(naturally).  Today I spent a few hours working on a Hero/Captain.  The AoBR fig really needs some attention...more on that tomorrow, including pics.

My color scheme is a U.S. military green with some weathering thrown in for good measure.  The rest of the colors will fall into place as I progress.  This project is really for creative enjoyment. I don't plan to ever play Space Marines but they are interesting to paint and customize.

The green you see in the above photo is a little darker than what I will be using so those will get a light re-prime before painting starts.  The Sgt. will get a suitable head swap...maybe something from the Space Wolves kit.

That's it for now.  Thanks for checking this out; comments & criticisms are always welcomed.

The war goes on,

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